Author Guidelines
Submission Overview
There are four different submission categories depending on the stage of development: Activity Idea, Activity for Review, Activity for Testing, Approved Activity. Below is a general description of each stage and associated materials required upon submission. All submissions must also include an abstract. Select the link for a more detailed description of each category.
Submission Categories
- Activity Idea
Submissions to this stage are ideas, intial drafts, rough activities. Authors are seeking collaborators to work on these ideas to develop activities.
Submissions to this stage are complete activities. Authors are seeking formative feedback to improve the quality of the activity.
Submissions to this stage are learning cycle or application activities. Authors are seeking feedback to optimize the activity for use in a wide variety of classroom settings.
Submissions to this stage are activities ready for approval by the POGIL project. Approved activities will be assigned a Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to make them permanently citable products.
Abstract Details
The abstract should contain both an overview of the activity in paragraph form describing the context, rationale, and learning objectives (no more than 150 words) and the following keyword classification summary:
Level: (K-8, Middle, High School, Undergraduate, Graduate)
Setting: Classroom or Laboratory
Activity Type: (i.e. Learning Cycle, Application, Science Writing Heuristic Lab, POGIL Lab)
Discipline: (e.g. Economics, Chemistry, Writing)
Course: (e.g. Physical Chemistry, General Biology)
Keywords: (topics covered)
Description: (no more than 150 words)
The abstract will be submitted as plain text (not a pdf document) in the Metadata submission step.
Table of Contents Image
Authors should attach a small image that illustrates the content of the activity. The image should be in the png format and roughly square.
Submission Process
There are five steps required to complete the submission process. Below is a description of what to expect in each section.
- Start
- Select one of the four submission categories (Approved Activity, Activity for Testing, Activity for Review, Activity Idea)
- Acknowledge that your submission adheres to each of the 5 items described in the Submission Preparation Checklist
- Acknowledge the copyright & privacy statements
- Upload Submission
- Upload all files required for submission category
- Upload all files required for submission category
- Enter Metadata
- Title
- Abstract & Keyword summary (see above)
- List of Contributors
- Confirmation
- When you are ready, click "Finish Submission".
- When you are ready, click "Finish Submission".
- Next Steps
- You should receive an email confirmation notifying your submission is complete!