Exploring the Use of Events in Storytelling
Students examine a currently working story that uses multiple events to coordinate a sequence of scenes which feature several different sprites. They gain experience examining the code spread across the stage and multiple sprites to come to conclusions about how the program is coordinated to work together. They demonstrate understanding of this knowledge by expanding the existing program with two additional features of increasing complexity.
This activity was developed with NSF support through IUSE-1626765. You may request access to this activity via the following link: IntroCS-POGIL Activity Writing Program.
- Level: High School and Undergraduate
- Setting: Classroom
- Activity Type: Application
- Discipline: Computer Science
- Course: Introduction to Programming (CS0 or CS1)
- Keywords: Scratch, events
How to Cite
Schafer, B. (2022). Exploring the Use of Events in Storytelling: CS0. POGIL Activity Clearinghouse, 3(4). Retrieved from https://pac.pogil.org/index.php/pac/article/view/270
CS-POGIL Activity Writing Program
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