Carts and Car Crashes
The activity is intended for use in an algebra-based physics class once the momentum concept and conservation of momentum in collisions is developed. Prior to starting this activity, students should have made connections between the change in momentum of an object and the impulse on an object. This activity develops impulse and momentum concepts as an area model (integral) on a force vs time graph. Students will also develop their ability to interpret diagrammatic and graphical models and make inferences based on those models, and make connections across different models to illustrate the relationship between momentum, force, time, and impulse. The first three models are a learning cycle and the second two are an application of those concepts. This activity could be split into two separate class-meetings to be used as a learning cycle activity in one class and an application activity in the other.
Level: Algebra-based Physics
Setting: Classroom
Activity Type: Learning Cycle & Application
Discipline: Physics
Course: Intro Physics I (Algebra-based)
Keywords: Impulse, Momentum, Force
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